XPERTO's Mission

To unlock the potential of the professional network as dynamic sources of relevant professional development and life-long learning by developing online platforms that enable entirely new ways of serving professionals and creating value.

XPERTO's Vision

A world where there are inclusive and equitable lifelong learning opportunities for all.

Our Core Values

We make sure that we are able to integrate our core values in every idea, goal and action we commit ourselves to.
Commitment to Growth
Empowering Others
Continuous Innovation
Passion for Excellence
Collaborate Openly

Our team is driven by our values

We believe there's always a smarter and better way to do things. These are in our core which drives us to be better every single day.
Emmanuel Caguimbal
Chief Executive Officer
Sam Beijon Catapusan
Chief Operations Officer
Ginwene Rueda
Chief Experience Officer
Czarina Vijulet Jusi
Chief Compliance Officer